Sunday, August 16, 2020


CHILD AND FAMILY NURSING Example CHILD AND FAMILY NURSING â€" Assignment Example > 344168 - CHILD AND FAMILY NURSINGIntroduction: Nursing is a field that is known for the selflessness, with nobility in the cause of serving for the betterment of wellness of manhood. From time immemorial, nursing field has been known to care for families. . With the families becoming more nuclear, the care became more hospital oriented, with the family focus slowing losing its color. Now as a circle, with the return of community based home care, the term family nursing has again surfaced back. In this assignment, with the given case study, we would explore the role of nurse as a health provider in meeting their client’s need in the term of family. (International nursing day report, 2002)Genogram: A genogram may describe as a tool, helpful in family counseling, a pictorial depiction of family relationship and medical history. It is very useful in identifying the repetitive pattern of behavior and understanding hereditary tendencies. Eunpu proposes the use of the genogram, a multi generationalfamily tree that plots biological relationships and graphicallyrecords information about social relationships and psychosocialissues in the family, to provide genetic counselors with a toolto help families adjust to a genetic diagnosis and enhance decisionmaking. (Mary etal. ,1999)Genogram of the family taken up in the case study: Family situations observed in the case study: The family given for case study, when observed, was found to be, a nuclear family with a new born, of James and Naomi Brown with two young children, Steven, 3 years old and Felicity, four weeks old. Felicity was born in hospital through normal delivery and the couples have moved to a new small mining town as James found a good paying job in the mine. They have left behind their friends and absolutely knew no one in the town Naomi, whose parents and sibling were living closely before the move was very close to them. But James, (whose mother passed away due to breast cancer), father, step mom with t heir two children stayed overseas. Since then the move, Steven who had stopped bedwetting six months ago has started bedwetting, and Felicity started more demanding. Naomi at this misses her family and thinks that her milk might not be adequate. She also feels that Steven might resent her relationship with newborn as breast feeding takes up lots of her time. Studying thoroughly, it could be seen that the main problems to be addressed are, Naomi, missing her family that was so close to her, their lack of friends in new town. James since had only a distant relationship with his parents seems to be unaffected by the change and insensitive to Naomi’s feeling. The bed wetting of Steven has to be sorted out and Naomi’s fear of inadequate milk for baby has also to be taken care of. Naomi’s fear of Steven’s resentment over her with the arrival of newborn has also to be sorted out. Assessment of the family using Calgary Family Assessment Model: Many approaches can be used to collec t information on families for assessment

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